Vegan Walnut Ginger Pear Crumble – Gluten Free!


Well, most of the holidays are past, but we still have one more…New Year’s Eve! This recipe is perfect for bringing to a party, and it’s so easy to make! Much like my apple crumble, there is very little prep time and very little cooking time. With the prep and cooking, the entire dessert takes less than an hour to make! This recipe is very similar to the apple crumble, except this time we add the flavors of ginger and walnut to the pear mix, which gives the pears some great extra flavor. I also have the addition of coconut whipped cream, which tastes lovely on top of the crumble when still warm.

So…let us begin!


For the pear filling you will need:

  • 3 large or 5 small pears
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 tsp almond extract
  • 1 tsp nutmeg
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice (about the juice of 1 lemon)
  • 1 tbsp fresh grated ginger

For the walnut crumble you will need:


  • 1 1/2 cups almond flour
  • 1 1/2 cups walnuts
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/3 cup maple syrup
  • 4 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
  • 1/4 tsp ginger powder

For the coconut vanilla whipped cream you will need:IMG_6075

  • 1 can coconut cream, unshaken and left in fridge to cool for at least an hour
  • 2 tbsp coconut sugar, maple syrup or agave
  • 1 – 2 tsp vanilla extract

You will also need a strong blender, a large mixing bowl and a large cast iron pan for baking. If you don’t have one, use a rectangular baking pan, about 13 x 10 inches long and wide.

Step 1: Preparing the pear base

Preheat the over to 350 degrees.

Next, wash and thinly slice the pears. You don’t have to peel them, as unlike apples, the pear peels are much softer and will cook nicely with the crumble. Add the pears to a large bowl.

Once the pears are washed and sliced, add the rest of the pear filling ingredients

Mix these ingredients all together

Mix these ingredients all together

Step 2:

Take out your pan and grease it thoroughly. Add your pear mixture to the pan and put in the oven to warm. This will help to take some of the moisture out and soften the pears.

While your pears are in the oven, you will prepare the crumble topping

While your pears are in the oven, you will prepare the crumble topping

Step 3: Preparing the crumble

We are using half store bought flour and will be making our own walnut flour to add to the mixture.

Take out your high powered blender and add the cup and a half of walnuts to it. Pulse/blend for about 30 seconds, making sure the nuts are blended but also leaving some small pieces intact. You want to end up with a crumbly walnut mixture.

Add this mixture to a large bowl and add the rest of the dry ingredients to it. Mix the dry ingredients together, then add the maple syrup and coconut oil. Use a fork to mix the ingredients all together. The mixture should end up in small crumble bits, and not one big lump of dough.

Once the crumble is mixed, take your pan with the pears out of the oven, and add the crumble topping to it. IMG_6058

Put back in the oven to cook. Bake for 25 – 30 minutes, depending on how crispy you want your crumble to be. Check your crumble around the 20 minute mark to see how much longer you want it to cook. Baking at around 25 minutes will make a more chewy crumble. Baking for 30 minutes will make it crispier.

Step 4: Preparing the coconut vanilla whipped cream

While the crumble is in the oven, you want to prepare your coconut whipped cream. Your can of coconut cream should already be in the fridge for cooling and separation. What you want is the cream to separate completely from the liquid.


I used the Goya brand of coconut cream, but you can also use the Thai brand or any brand that is available to you. Just make sure you are using coconut cream, or full fat coconut milk.

Open the can, and scoop the cream out into your blender or mixing bowl. Add about 2 tbsp of the liquid for blending and mixing purposes.

Next, add your sweetener in. You can use maple syrup, coconut sugar or agave. If you are using coconut sugar however, I would recommend first blending the sugar in your blender beforehand. This makes the consistency more like confectioners sugar and powdery and not as grainy as coconut sugar usually is.

Adding in the vanilla and blended coconut sugar to the coconut cream mixture

Adding in the vanilla and blended coconut sugar to the coconut cream mixture

Once you have added your sweetener, coconut cream and vanilla, blend the mixture together in your blender. The mixture will be thick but runny. This is ok, as you will scoop the cream out and put in a bowl to harden in the refrigerator

Fully blended coconut whipped cream

Fully blended coconut whipped cream. The brown color is normal, as that is the tint from the coconut sugar and vanilla

The cream will take about 45 minutes to harden. Once it is done, it should look something like this:

Lovely whipped cream!

Lovely whipped cream!

Step 5: Bringing it all together

Now that your crumble is cooked and the coconut vanilla whipped cream is done, it’s time to put it all together. Take out the crumble from the oven and let it cool for about 5 minutes. Then, scoop some out and place it on a plate or bowl. I used some white ceramic bowls for serving, but you can use just about anything


Next, take your cooled and hardened whipped cream out of the fridge, and top the crumble with it

The coconut whipped cream should now resemble thick whipped cream, which is perfect for topping the warm dessert!

The coconut whipped cream should now resemble thick whipped cream, which is perfect for topping the warm dessert!

Top each pear crumble serving with the cream, then eat!


And there you have! Delicious warm walnut ginger pear crumble, topped with coconut vanilla whipped cream!


This mixture is great eaten both warm and cold!


Both the cream and crumble will keep in the refrigerator for at least a week. Though I doubt this dessert will last that long!



Look how delicious that looks!

Look how delicious that looks!



