“Cheesy Chicken” Pasta


I am obsessed with leeks. And cashew sauces. And zucchini noodles. In fact, I much prefer these over regular pasta noodles. I wanted a new cashew sauce for my leeks and zucchini noodles, so I came up with a new cashew cream sauce, with a cheesy chicken flavor. You can find the recipe HERE, but I will also include it for you below.

Let us begin!

Step 1 of this recipe is to soak your cashew nuts beforehand. You want to soak 1 cup of cashews in 3 cups of water for 4 to 6 hours. This is to soften them, as well as for health reasons! (See my blog post: Soak your Nuts! )

For the zucchini noodle pasta mix, you will need:

–  3 to 4 zucchinis, depending on their size and your apetite!

– 1 cup THINLY sliced leeks

– 1 cup halved cherry tomatoes

– 1 cup sliced mushrooms (optional)

Mix the zucchini and leeks together, and put into a large bowl

Now, for the creamy, cheesy, chicken cashew cream sauce:



You will need:

– 1 1/2 cups soaked cashews (at least two hours previous, preferably four)

– 1/4 cup nutritional yeast

– 1/2 yellow bell pepper

– 1/4 cup water

– 1 1/2 tsp vegan chicken bouillon, or one cube vegan chicken bouillon (you can buy this at any healthfood store or online)

– 2 tsp onion powder

– 1 clove garlic or 1 tsp minced garlic (these come in glass jars at the store)

– 1 tsp sesame seeds

– 1/2 tsp tumeric

– bit of pepper (so extra salt, as the bouillon is usually enough)


– 2 tbsp pine nuts

– 1/2 of either a white or yellow onion

After the cashews are soaked, put them into a high powered blender along with the rest of the ingredients. Pulse/blend for several minutes, making sure to push the mixture around so that it is totally blended.

The mixture should be smooth, creamy and smell amaaaazing!

Pour the sauce over the noodles, top with your sliced tomatoes and mushrooms, and serve! That’s it guys! Super easy, healthy and grand!


You can also mix in spinach if you want to throw in some extra greed goodness and pure protein to the mix. It tastes great!

And, no tomatoes, no problem! I also made this sauce just with leeks and zucchini, as that’s all I had in my fridge! I topped it with some fresh oregano, pepper flakes and cilantro. Check out my mushroom and tomato-less pasta here:


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