Oven Baked Apple Chips


I already have a recipe on my blog for dehydrated apple chips, but since I sold my dehydrator awhile ago, I decided to see how apple chips would come out in the oven. Turns out, they come out GREAT! And much faster to make than in a dehydrator. This recipe is simple, and tastes amazing! Of course, you need patience for the THREE HOURS of baking/dehydrating in the oven, but the outcome is truly marvelous.

So…let us begin!

You will need:

2-4 apples

pumpkin pie spice

That’s it!

For step one, you want to pre-heat the oven to 210 degrees.

Step 2: slice the apples VERY THIN with a knife. If you have a spiralizer or mandoline, use that instead to get thin strips. 

Next, take out a couple baking trays and line them with parchment paper or tin foil. If you don’t have enough trays (like I did), using the tin foil alone will be fine. If you are using tin foil, lightly spray the pan with cooking spray first so the apples won’t stick.


Step 3: Line up the apple slices together on the baking sheets, then sprinkle as much pumpkin pie spice as you want on it. I use pumpkin pie spice because I think it makes a much better, sweeter flavor. I don’t add any other sugar or any other flavorings, as the apple chips are sweet as they are.

Make sure the apples aren't touching, or else they will stick together when in the oven

Make sure the apples aren’t touching, or else they will stick together when in the oven

Step 4: Put your trays in the oven, and bake for an hour and a half. When that is done, take out the apples and turn them over to dry out on the other side

Half way there! You can already see some apples browning on the right side

Half way there! You can already see some apples browning on the right side

Bake the apples for another hour and a half. Try to avoid opening the oven and letting the air out, as this will prevent the apples from fully dehydrating.

When the chips are done, they should be dry and crunchy. If they are not, put them in the oven for a little while longer. I have done this recipe 4 times now, and if you don’t open the oven except to put in and take out the apples, and hour and a half on each side should be perfect timing to brown the apples and turn them into the chips.

Take out the chips and serve!



Store the chips in a zip lock bag or airtight container.
